

6 c. flour

1 c. water or wine

2 tbsp. coarse black pepper

1 tbsp. fennel seeds, toasted (you can toast in a frying pan or oven for 3-4 minutes)

2 tbsp. salt

3 eggs

1 package dry yeast

1/4 c. warm water

1 c. olive oil

Mix yeast with 1/4 c. warm water; Set aside until yeast starts to bubble.

In a large bowl, mix together flour, spices, eggs, olive oil and one cup of water until everything is incorporated; gently stir in yeast.

Transfer dough to a floured board and need for 3-4 minutes.

Place dough in a bowl, cover with a towel and put in a warm place to rise for one hour.

Bring a large pot of water to a boil; while water is boiling form taralles.

Break off a piece of dough and roll into 4” strips about the same thickness as your index finger.

Join ends to form a circle.

Preheat oven 350° F.

Drop taralles into the boiling water a few at a time ~ do not over crowd.

Once they rise to the top, remove with a slotted spoon and transfer to a wire cake rack.

Bake on racks for 40 -50 minutes or until golden brown.

Flip over halfway through cooking.

Perfect with a glass of red wine!


Taco Turkey Wonton Cups

