Rum Balls

6 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips or wafers

3 tbsp. light corn syrup

1/3 c. rum or liqueur of choice ~ I like Kahlua

1 - 8.5 oz. package of chocolate wafer cookies 

1 c. chopped nuts, toasted (walnuts or pecans)

1/2 c. powdered sugar

colored sugar

Melt chocolate in microwave or double broiler.

Stir in corn syrup and rum; set aside.

Pulse cookies in a food processor or crush in a plastic zip bag using a rolling pin.

Add nuts and sugar to cookies then chocolate mixture. 

Chill for 30 minutes.

Form into 1" balls then roll in colored sugar. 

Serve in small baking cups.

These freeze well and can be stored in a plastic container for 1-2 weeks.


Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies


Russian Teacakes