Fried Zucchini Flowers

Fried Zucchini Flowers3.JPG
Fried Zucchini Flowers2.JPG
Fried Zucchini Flowers1.JPG
Fried Zucchini Flowers.JPG

12 - 18 zucchini flowers

3 eggs

1/2 c. grated cheese

1/2 c. flour

3/4 c. water

1/2 tsp. baking powder

salt, pepper and garlic powder, to taste

2 tsp. minced parsley

Lemon zest

Vegetable oil

Gently wash flowers and remove the stem and pistil from inside.

Heat oil in a frying pan.

Whisk together eggs, flour, baking powder, water and seasoning.

Dip flowers in batter and fry in hot oil for one minute on each side.

Drain on paper towels and sprinkle with lemon zest before serving.


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